lunes, 21 de octubre de 2013

Halloween is here!!!

Halloween stories

Halloween songs

Halloween games

The digestive system

Hello everybody, after finishing unit 1 in science and before starting unit 2 we are studying the Digestive system as we think is the perfect link between the two units. In the students book there are no contents about it, so we have presented the topic through these videos and a worksheet.

jueves, 10 de octubre de 2013

The human body

The first science unit is called "The human body". In this unit we will revise things children already know and they will learn new things about what's inside our body.

One of the things we are revising are the 5 senses. Have a look at this video and find out what can you remember.
Do you remember this song? Don't forget that the five senses are: the sense of sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell. Due to the sense of sight we can see.
Practise what you know with these games

The new contents we're learning have to do with the inside of our body. Inside our body we have the skeleton, which is made of bones, muscles and important organs such as the brain, the heart and the lungs.

Watching this video you can reinforce what's been already taught in class about the skeletal system. Notice that it mentions many bones, at this level you only need to know the skull, humerous, femur, ribs and hips.